Sunday, July 27, 2008

Update on life

So, update,huh?

Well, Stephanie found an Irish girl interested in starting the begining of September. Her name is Michaela and she seems pretty nice, although I guess we will see. Its never definate until the plane ticket has been bought. But the contract has been sent, and if all goes well, I will be home in September. Now if only I can find a decently priced ticket. More on that search later.

The family is going to EuroDisney this coming weekend. Im really not looking forward to be alone all weekend. I know im going to be brutaly homesick and lonely, but someone has to watch the dogs. awesome. (those of you who have my phone number, call me a lot!!)

This weekend was eventful. Yesterday we went to a gay festival, which was pretty fun, but really only amplified my lonliness. I really need to find a girlfriend. That will have to be my goal when i get home. ( Well, after getting a job and a car, of course...)

I also talked to Nicole last night, and wow, has she changed. She got got with pot going into 6 flags...but luckily the cops werent involved. She says she is moving to Cali with Glenn. instead of going to school...because of loans and things. But I really feel that she didnt try to figure out school, since she is to busy getting high and drunk with Glenn and Trina. So moving across the country to live with someone shes only been dating 5 months is apparently a good alternative.

I wish i could scream at her, "Remember me, Katja, your best friend? REMEMBER ME????!" But I know she wouldnt hear. And she wouldnt care. Because she always can only seem what is right infront of her. And since Im here, so far away, its like I am invisible. Which sucks. I email and call, but never any response. She doesnt check her email or her voicemail. Its like she has completely forgotten me...after everything...

which really hurts.

And I know even when I am home, nothing will change, which is really the hardest thing of all.

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