Wednesday, August 13, 2008

No title here.

I havnt written in a while, mostly because I have nothing of substance to say. I feel like this blog has become a place where all I do is complain, and that wasnt my original intent at all. And really, I dont have much to say. I dont do anything, besides count the days until i go home. Really. Every morning I wake up and think to myself, I absolutely DO NOT want to get out of bed. But I do. i vaccuum. (Thats such an akward word to write) I read, play, change shitty diapers and think about home. I eat dinner, and think about home. I go to bed thinking about home. I think that the amount of time I spend thinking about home is unhealthy...

I have to apply to college in a month, and im so nervous. A major reason im not going to college in the fall is because I was too overwhelemed to apply. But now, I have to do it anyway, and its harder because i dont have the school people to help.

Im an idiot.

1 comment:

MarĂ­lia Diniz said...

Hey Katja!! I dont know why I never left you a comment, but I always come here. You know, some times we don't have anything to do and I just keep trying to find something interesting.

So, about you wrote the other day, it's not true that you write this blog just for you. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who reads it.

I'm sorry to hear that you are sad [as usual] but hey girl!! Your time is coming and soon you will miss the baby and even the dogs!!

Take care, okay?